Google and Facebook Ads

Google Ads

  • Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) is enormously successful pay-per-click (PPC) advertising system and works for the business of all sizes and industries. It allows you to get your ads in front of the people who are interested in your products or services. At Webindia INC, we offer a complete solution, designing, and executing ad campaigns.

Overview - Adwords PPC Management Services

  • Google is now the world’s standard search engine, and it can reach out to millions of people across the globe. Due to Google’s enormous reach, Google Ads is also one of the favorite digital marketing platforms for many businesses. It is inexpensive and brings the has an excellent ratio to deliver the best outcome. At Webindia INC, we have a team of experts who know the ins and outs of the Google AdWords. We provide extensive Google AdWords services to all our clients and give them a fast and reliable result.

Our process

1 Focused Research

  • Our experienced Google AdWords professionals know the importance of in-depth research. Whether we are researching your industry niche or we are analyzing competitors’ keywords, our professional complete every task with complete focus.

2 Setup

  • The setup seems to be quite easy for everyone. However, some minor settings like location, ad scheduling, campaign extensions, Bud getting, Bid strategics, etc. play an essential role in making the Google Ads campaign successful and generate better revenues. We consider all these things and set up the right campaign for you.

3 Accurate Tracking

  • Our team goes beyond a standard Google Ads tracking. It involves innovative call tracking technology, Advanced Google Analytic tracking, Live website session video recording, and heatmaps & even tracking.

4 Smart Optimization

  • We work like Google AdWords robotics and make sure that your campaign remains profitable. Our out of the box thinking and intelligent optimization help us to give the best ROI to all our clients.

5 Transparent Reporting

  • We believe in transparency, and we maintain it in communication with our clients and also in the work report. Whatever actual work is done by our Google AdWords team, we submit that to you using a project management tool.

Facebook Ads

Maximize your profit with our reliable Facebook Ads service

  • Facebook is one of the most effective ways to reach out to the targeted audience. The website has massive data on users’ interests, shopping behavior, activities, and demographics than any other site. We create ad campaigns for you on Facebook and generate leads or customers.

Overview - Facebook Advertising and Marketing Services

  • To make the most out of the investment in digital marketing, Facebook Ads is essential for your brand. It does not only help you to generate leads or customers, but it builds your brand’s reputation. At Webindia Inc, we have a team of experts that create and run ad campaigns most proficiently. We set up and optimize ad campaigns for your brand after in detail analysis of your business niche.

Our process

1 Setting goals

  • Our priority for you is to set your goals. At Webindia Inc, our experts discuss with you about the objective of the ad campaign. There are different types of objectives, such as selling, lead generation, or growing your audience.

2 Deciding demographics

  • After in detail analysis of your business niche, our experienced professionals determine what set of demographics are most suitable to your business needs. We gather all the information you need to maximize your sale on Facebook.

3 Setting a combined strategy

  • We also help you find the best ways to combine your Facebook advertising campaign with other advertising strategies and ensure that you get excellent ROI. We create a perfect plan that helps you to achieve your objectives.

4 Creating ads

  • Unlike Google AdWords, Facebook Ads gives you more space to create your ad with the headline, ad copy, button text link title & description, and ad design. We take care of everything and build ads to reduce the cost per acquisition

5 Measuring and tracking

  • To make the ad campaign profitable, we continuously monitor and manage it. We track and tweak the camping and ensure that it does not face audience saturation and ad blindness. As time goes on, the campaign reduces its efficiency. To avoid that we strip away the audience segments that are performing poorly and improve its performance.

5 Scaling

  • We manage the scaling of your campaign accurately and make it more effective by giving you a profitable cost per acquisition. Our experts keep a constant watch on the campaign and deliver the best outcome. Our goal is to bring you the very best, with the highest standards of ethics, transparency & satisfaction possible.
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